Our Services
BOMA Lease Area Certifications
For Property Management and Building Owners, we can provide an accompanying set of lease plans for any building we’ve surveyed, typically to BOMA Standards, but of course we can calculate your lease areas based on any other “non-standard” method you specify. First officially recognized Interpreter of the BOMA Standards in 2004, we are very familiar with all current and past standards, from Office, to Retail, Industrial, Residential and Mixed Use.
Lease Plans
Includes the Basic As-Built with all its features and benefits, but additionally includes a complete analysis of your building, typically to the latest BOMA Standards. Each floor will include a black and white dimensioned as-built plan, plus a colorized lease plan, showing all Rentable areas. The color is applied over top of the as-built, providing a very graphic and visual representation of the demised areas of your property.
Suite Drawings
Once a floor has been surveyed by LASERTECH ® Floorplans, suite drawings are a valuable option for property managers, and are easily extracted and plotted to fit a letter size layout. Basic as-built layout with any or none of the following added: dimensions, room labels, usable and rentable areas. Custom layouts to match your existing lease books easily implemented.